HoMe foR WAifs And stRAys


7th MArcH 2015

nuntempA stRinG quARtet


i Am AnusHka

justin WiggAn & GeneVieve sAy

lAsH fRenZy

2015 marked the pilot Ideas of Noise event. Originally a university module focussing on creative entrepeneurship for Sarah, IoN 2015 was a single day event of performances from local artists. It took ‘Noise’ as it’s theme – not necessarily harsh, or extreme, but Noise in the broader senses of the word, exploring how we categorise noise in different contexts, using it as a starting place for cross-genre, interdisciplinary working and celebration of experimentation. It was and is for things that sit ‘outside’.  It was low tech, DIY, very cheap, mostly paid for in booze and pasta, but it was a lot of fun and kickstarted the bigger collaborative project with Andrew that is IoN today.


justin WiGGAn & GeneVieve sAy


i Am AnusHkA

lAsh fRenZy

All videos kindly made by Simon Gray without us even knowing about it (and before we had any budget to make videos) Thank you Simon!

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#ideAsofnoisecelebRAting eXpeRimMentAl sound in tHe West MidlAnds